Files Description/Jmol 14

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Revision as of 00:36, 12 May 2007 by AngelHerraez (talk | contribs) (adding new file naming for split applet)
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This information is also included in Jmol distribution File icon.gifREADME file.

Common files in Jmol distributions

(This refers to both File and File icon.gifjmol-x.x.x-binary.tar.gz
File icon.gifjmol-x.x.x-full.tar.gz contains the full source code) )


The application executable file (a program written in Java). This can be run as any other program: opens in its own window, can be resized or minimized, admits drag-and-drop, has a top menu, can open and save files, etc.


The applet, i.e. a version of the program that will only run when embedded in a web page.

This is an all-in-one file, kept mainly for compatibility with old pages that call it explicitly. Current recommended procedure is to use the split version (File icon.gifJmolApplet0.jar etc.). In particular, File icon.gifJmol.js uses the split version.


An equivalent version of the applet, but this is a "signed" applet (a term in Java security language). This means it must be authorized by the web page visitor for it to run, but then it will have less security restrictions for file access. For example, it can access files on any part of the user's hard disk or from any other web server.


The library, written in javascript language, that assists in the programming of web pages that use Jmol applet, without the need to know and write detailed JmolApplet code.

This library uses the split version of the applet (unsigned or signed).

Fully documented at




A batch file to start Jmol application under Windows.



A shell script to start Jmol application under Unix-like systems, like Linux/BSD/Solaris and Cygwin for Windows.


The copyright explanations.


The GNU Lesser General Public License, under which Jmol is released.


A general description of Jmol package and sources of information, including this file list documentation.

Files specific to Jmol versions up to 11.1.29

JmolApplet0.jar, JmolApplet1.jar, ... JmolApplet6.jar, JmolApplet_i18n.jar

The applet divided up into several pieces, for faster loading. The set of these files is equivalent to File icon.gifJmolApplet.jar. This split version is used by File icon.gifJmol.js.

File icon.gifJmolApplet_i18n.jar is the localization module of the applet (i.e., translation of the interface into several languages). This must accompany the File icon.gifJmolApplet#.jar set if you want the interface in a language different from English. (The language shown will depend on the operating system's language.)

JmolAppletSigned0.jar, JmolAppletSigned1.jar, ... JmolAppletSigned6.jar, JmolAppletSigned_i18n.jar

The signed version of the split applet.

Files specific to Jmol versions after 11.1.36

JmolApplet0.jar, JmolApplet0(severalNamesHere).jar


JmolAppletSigned0.jar, JmolAppletSigned0(severalNamesHere).jar



  1. Given the descriptions, you will realize that the distribution package contains 4 full copies of the applet (signed or unsigned, split or not).