Jmol JavaScript Object/Functions/CheckboxGroup

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Revision as of 20:16, 13 November 2015 by AngelHerraez (talk | contribs) (examples of checkbox groups)
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Code examples for checkbox groups

Define the checkboxes:

Jmol.jmolCheckbox(myJmol, 'display add _H', 'hide add _H', 'hydrogen', true, 'light');
Jmol.jmolCheckbox(myJmol, 'display add (not _H)', 'hide add (not _H)', 'heavy atoms', true, 'heavy');
Jmol.jmolHtml('<div style="margin-left:3ex;">');
Jmol.jmolCheckbox(myJmol, 'display add _C', 'hide add _C', 'carbon', true, 'carb');
Jmol.jmolCheckbox(myJmol, 'display add _O', 'hide add _O', 'oxygen', true, 'oxy');
Jmol.jmolCheckbox(myJmol, 'display add _N', 'hide add _N', 'nitrogen', true, 'nitro');

Setting the group:

Jmol.setCheckboxGroup('heavy', ['carb','oxy','nitro']);

Another syntax for setting the group:

Jmol.setCheckboxGroup('heavy', 'carb', 'oxy', 'nitro');

Partially selected checkbox

This state is termed 'indeterminate' in HTML5. It looks different in each browser's GUI and it is handled independently of the checked/unchecked state of the checkbox control. However, this indeterminate status cannot be achieved by the user clicking on the checkbox.

CheckboxGroup partial selection.png

There is a plan to support this in JSmol.min.js when dealing with checkbox groups defined using Jmol.setCheckboxGroup()

