File formats/Export
Exporting or saving molecular model files from Jmol
Although Jmol was designed as a viewer, it has now capabilities to save files for the displayed molecular model (or a subset of it).
Jmol can export the currently selected set of atoms to a file in
- XYZ format
- PDB format
- MOL v2000 format (single model)
- MOL v3000 format (single model)
- SDF v2000 format (single or multiple models)
The last 3 are according to the official format specification from MDL-Accelrys-Symyx.
The syntax (see reference documentation) is like this:
All of the above commands will save the original cooordinates of each atom as they were in the input file.
There is also the choice (only in MOL format) of saving the transformed coordinates as they are in the current state of the model:
This function in the Jmol Scripting Language allows to place the output of the write command into a variable, rather than saving to a file. The data can later be loaded using load var a
See also show()
below, as an alternative.
First parameter in the function is the format, second if needed is some qualifier, both matching what would be used in the command.
Common examples:
show() chemical
The same information that would be exported to a file may be put into a variable using this function. It uses the NCI CACTVS Resolver web service for format conversion, and hence it needs a live internet connection to work.
- Available since Jmol version 14.6.0
- Note: If only a subset of the full model has been selected, only that subset will be included in the exported model. Since the procedure involves a query to the Resolver, and their server tries to interpret it as a full molecule, the result may then not be what you expect. Example:
select _N; show("chemical mol")
returns mol-formatted data for ammonia, no matter which was the original molecule containing several N atoms.
Formats available are:
Alchemy (Tripos) | cdxml
XML-compliant version of ChemDraw's native file format | cerius
Cerius II from Accelrys/MSI |
CHARMM (Chemistry at HARvard Macromolecular Mechanics) | cif
Crystallographic Information File | cml
Chemical Markup Language |
Gasteiger group | gjf
Gaussian input | gromacs
HIV / HIN format from Hyperchem | jme
from the JME/JSME Molecular Editor | maestro
from Schrödinger |
Symyx MDL | mol2
Sybyl, Tripos | sybyl2
Sybyl, Tripos |
Marvin format, from ChemAxon | pdb
from Protein DataBank, but nonstandard | sdf
Symyx MDL |
Symyx MDL, V3000 | sln
SYBYL Line Notation | smiles
SMILES string |
the traditional XYZ format |
The syntax is like this:
d = show("chemical xyz") d = show("chemical mol") d = show("chemical hyperchem")
The result (text string as the value of the variable) may then be displayed, processed, or even may be written to a file using
write var d myFile.hin
. In this way, Jmol is in fact exporting file formats that it cannot export natively, by using the format conversion server at NCI.
These are available:
File > Save > Save a copy of file
File > Save > Save as PNG/JMOL (image+zip)
File > Save > Save JVXL isosurface
File > Export > Export PNG+JMOL image
The 2nd and 4th are equivalent and contain, packed in a single file, a snapshot PNG image, the coordinates file and the state script file.
Save isosurface
The pop-up menu entry will svae the last isosurface selected or generated. More flexibility is allowed by using the write isosurface
Saving Jmol-specific files
Special image files PNGJ
Jmol can export to a PNG file that, in addition of a snapshot of the current molecular rendering, includes the state with all the information of rendering style (PNG) and, optionally, the data of the molecular model (PNGJ). These files appear as regular image files to any software but, when loaded back in Jmol (or drag-and-dropped) will reproduce the exact state of the 3D molecular model.
(The extra non-image information is included in a metadata area allowed by the png format)
Here are the basic commands; for additional options, see the documentation
commands | |
write image png "myFileName" |
saves to disk a snapshot image of the current display, including also the state (notes 1, 2 and 3) |
write "myFileName" as png |
does the same as the above one |
set imageState off; write image png "myFileName" |
saves to disk a snapshot image of the current display, without the state (note 2) |
write image pngj "myFileName" |
saves to disk a snapshot image of the current display, including also the model, state and any files involved in the rendering (note 1) |
write "myFileName" as pngj |
does the same as the above one |
- (*) Note 1: if the specified file extension is not png, the file will still be a valid png image file, but it may or not be recognized by any software and may not be recognized by Jmol.
- Note 2: by default, molecular state is included in the file, unless
set imageState
has been previously set tofalse
. - Note 3: in the case of png files (not pngj), the molecular model file and any isosurface files involved must be in the same folder as the png file in order for the state to be interpreted.
New feature: Allows replacement of PNG data in PNGJ
(available since version 14.31.34)
write "fileA.png" as pngj;
saves a file containing both the image, the model data and the statea = load("fileA.png",true);
loads the file contents into a (binary) variableb = load("fileB.png");
loads a regular image file into another (binary) variablea._IMAGE_ = b._DATA_;
puts the binary data making image "B" into the image section of data from file "A" (replacing the existing image data)write var a "fileC.png";
saves the new combination stored in variable "a", i.e. molecular data from file "A" and image from file "B", into a new PNGJ file
Exporting for augmented reality software
Some users have produced models to be used in augmented reality (AR) software following one of these procedures using Blender:
- Open the model in Jmol, export as
X3D,1 import into Blender, retouch aspect, texture... and export to an
FBX file. This latter format may be input into some AR software.
- Import directly a
PDB file into Blender. Sometimes this results in a model with atoms but no bonds (since the PDB format does not necessarily include bond information). In this case, you may open the
PDB file into Jmol and export as PDB,2 then load this new file into Blender.
- For models available in other file formats like
SDF, open them in Jmol and export as
PDB,2 then open in Blender.
1. write ? as x3d
2. write ? as pdb