Test for the Jmol Extension for MediaWiki
Pop-up models
A user action will open a popup window with a model.
jmolFile tagThe link cyclohexane will open a popup window displaying Chair.cml taken from this wiki <jmolFile text='cyclohexane'>Chair.cml</jmolFile> |
jmolMol tagThe link in your coffee will open a popup window displaying caffeine. También algo en el café <jmolMol text='something in your coffee'>caffeine</jmolMol> |
jmolSmiles tagThe link nitrobenzene will open a popup window displaying nitrobenzene <jmolSmiles text='nitrobenzene'>c1ccccc1[N+](=O)[O-]</jmolSmiles> |
jmolPdb tagThe link adipocyte lipid binding protein will open a popup window displaying 1ab0.pdb. Esta es una proteína que une lípidos <jmolPdb text='adipocyte lipid binding protein'>1ab0</jmolPdb> |
jmolAppletButton tag
jmolAppletLink tag |
Pop-in models
User action will insert a model within the page.
jmolAppletInlineButton tagUsing urlContents |
jmolAppletInlineLink tagUsing uploadedFileContents Cyclohexane |
jmolApplet tag with cover image
The JSmol model is inserted when clicking on the image. Here using uploadedFileContents
Cyclohexane, chair conformation |
In-page models
A model is inserted as part of the page at page load time.
jmolApplet tag
Using uploadedFileContents
Using urlContents
Using inlineContents
Using wikiPageContents
Using script