Jmol in Wikis and Blogs
Revision as of 18:06, 18 October 2009 by AngelHerraez (talk | contribs) (organized with subheadings)
Jmol can be embedded in wiki pages using special processors.
- For wikis based on MediaWiki, there is the Jmol Mediawiki Extension.
- For other wikis (MoinMoin, MoniWiki, UniWakka), Jmol Processors are available.
You can see a list of wikis that already use Jmol: Wikis Using Jmol.
Jmol can be used in blogs, discussion boards and similar environments:
MicroJmol widget by Jeff Moore (Dept. Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign): A portable version of Jmol viewer that loads the user-provided Jmol-readable file at startup. Used to share 3D structures on blogs, discussion boards and inside of other widgets that use the widgetbox. Instructions or comments can be added to the text field.
Uses this code:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script> if (WIDGETBOX) WIDGETBOX.renderWidget('ec6af128-5436-4d7b-97c9-7f2f4b528859'); </script> <noscript> Get the <a href="">MicroJmol</a> widget and many other <a href="">great free widgets</a> at <a href="">Widgetbox</a>! Not seeing a widget? (<a href="">More info</a>) </noscript>
And, as a result, this kind of code gets inserted in the page:
<iframe hspace="0" vspace="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=" instructions=One%20of%20my%20favorite%20molecules... &bgcolor=%2366FFCC & &widget.appId=4e4d1afb-565c-4d70-9c6e-8c1c8b2894b3 &widget.regId=56b796d2-1b71-42ae-bcc1-ccc14fab461d &widget.friendlyId=microjmol & &widget.token=4ea9b00c1b2c22e17a88ba756153e71526921144000001246889ecdf & & &widget.timestamp=1255889032432 &widget.serviceLevel=0 &widget.provServiceLevel=0 &widget.instServiceLevel=0 &widget.width=150 &widget.height=150 &widget.wrapper=JAVASCRIPT &widget.isAdFriendly=true &widget.isAdEnabled=true &widget.adChannels=137%3D125x125 &widget.adPlacement= &widget.output=htmlcontent " border="0" id="widgetbox_widget_iframe_0" name="widgetbox_widget_iframe_0" frameborder="0" height="150" width="150" scrolling="no" > </iframe>
AngelHerraez, Tothsa, Pinostriccoli, Jaime Prilusky, Jhjensen, Fuse809, JimHu, Rzepa