Files Description

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For Jmol versions previous to some 14.x, see Files_Description/Jmol_14

The Jmol distribution is available for download as 3 different files:

  • File contains all files needed for using Jmol, compressed using the zip format.
  • File icon.gifjmol-x.x.x-binary.tar.gz contains the same files, in a tar structure and compressed using the gzip format.
  • File icon.gifjmol-x.x.x-full.tar.gz contains the full source code. This will only be useful to developers and programmers wanting to study Jmol programming design or to modify Jmol.

Following is a description of the files contained in any of the first two downloadable files.

Jmol + JSmol Documentation

Files with information


The copyright explanations regarding Jmol and its 3rd-party components.


The GNU Lesser General Public License, under which Jmol is released.


Information for how to build the Jmol package (for developers).


A list with a history of the feature additions in each version of Jmol.

Batch and shell files

These can be used to start Jmol application from a command line and, particularly, to impose a certain combination of parameters (see command line options).


???? (Some kind of batch file)


A batch file to start Jmol application under Windows.


??? (Some kind of batch file)

A shell script to start Jmol application under Unix-like systems, like Linux, BSD, Solaris and Cygwin for Windows.

Under Linux, there are a number of ways to start Jmol as a standalone program using the File script:

sh                      // start Jmol under the jmol-xxx folder 
sh yourpath/jmol-xxx/    // start Jmol from anywhere 


chmod +x                // make the script executable                         // start Jmol inside the jmol-xxx directory, or  
yourpath/jmol-xxx/       // start Jmol anywhere


chmod +x                // make the script executable  
ln -s yourpath/jmol-xxx/ /usr/local/bin/ //create a symbolic link under /usr/local/bin

Add the following shell variable in the shell script File icon.gif$HOME/.bash_profile

export JMOL_HOME="/yourpath/jmol-xxx/"

Reboot your computer or execute

source $HOME/.bash_profile 

Then                          // start Jmol anywhere 

(4) Move the File icon.gifjmol-xxx folder to File icon.gif/usr/bin/ or File icon.gif/usr/local/bin/

chmod +x                  // make the script executable 
ln -s /usr/bin/jmol-xxx/ /usr/bin/          // or
ln -s /usr/bin/jmol-xxx/ /usr/local/bin/    // or
ln -s /usr/local/bin/jmol-xxx/ /usr/bin/    //or
ln -s /usr/local/bin/jmol-xxx/ /usr/local/bin/                          // start Jmol from anywhere

Files of Jmol application

This is used as a standalone program.


The application executable file (a program written in Java). This works as any other program: opens in its own window, can be resized or minimized, admits drag-and-drop of files over it, has a top menu bar, can open and save files, etc. It can be open from the command line (particulary, using the shell or batch files described above), but if Java is properly configured in your system, it's usually enough to double-click on the file (see Starting Jmol Application for more details).


This is a slimmed down version of Jmol.jar that lacks all visualization capabilities. So, it betrays the whole (classic) concept of what Jmol is, but with JmolData and some clever scripting you can get just about any information you want out of a model and output it any way you want.

It operates only from the command line, designed for extracting data from a model or set of models. You are limited to commands that don't have to do with visualization: there are bonds but no "sticks", atoms but no "dots", helices but no "cartoons".

Files of the Jmol object

This file includes in compressed form all the files for using J(S)mol inside web pages, such as:

  • Applet files (for the Java modality of Jmol object)
  • Javascript libraries (for the definition of the Jmol object in all cases, and specifically for the HTML5 modality of Jmol object)

For details on the files contained, their purpose and how to use them, please see Jmol_JavaScript_Object#Installation

Other files


This is an application executable file (a program written in Java) for JSpecView, a viewer for spectra which may be interconnected with Jmol.

