Main Page
Jmol is an open-source viewer for three-dimensional chemical structures, with features for chemicals, crystals, materials and biomolecules. | JSmol, a fully functional HTML5-only non-Java implementation of Jmol, is now available. Performance may be a little slower than Java, but it is amazingly fast for JavaScript. JSmol/HTML5 runs in all tested current-release browsers, including Firefox, Chrome, Opera, MSIE(9+), and Safari on Apple MacOS and iOS (iPad and iPhone). The initial download footprint is 2 MB (uncompressed) or 0.5 MB (gzipped).
See JSmol for more details. |
Features include reading a variety of file types, including PyMOL session files and output from quantum chemistry programs, file writing (including JPG, PNG, PNGJ (PNG+ZIP), and ZIP formats), and animation of multi-frame files and computed normal modes from quantum programs, surfaces, translucency, full Jmol scripting, and localization in 40+ languages. |
The recommended way to cite Jmol is:
- Jmol: an open-source Java viewer for chemical structures in 3D.
- JSmol: an open-source HTML5 viewer for chemical structures in 3D.
Remember to always use uppercase 'J', uppercase 'S', lowercase 'mol' (explanation).
If you prefer, a list of articles that describe Jmol can be found in the Jmol Literature section.
This is the homepage for the Jmol Community Wiki. Here the community of users can discuss everything that has to do with Jmol and JSmol. You are welcome to browse around and to add new pages, extra information, comments, questions, links to useful examples of Jmol use or Jmol scripting, or whatever else you think is relevant.
More official, general and static information about Jmol is available in the Jmol web site. (But content there is currently quite outdated)
Pages on this Wiki
About Jmol and JSmol
Jmol/JSmol Community
AngelHerraez, NicolasVervelle, Pimpim, EricMartz, Hansonr, JmolTest